
Dreamland is a film montage containing dramatizations of dreams of Finnish citizens in which the President of Finland Tarja Halonen makes an appearance. It is a work investigating people’s subconscious attitudes to the mother / father figure of a state.

In the video the dreams are presented as one long stream where the borders between the dreams are blurry, creating one collective portrait of a leader of state.

The Making Of
In Spring 2009 Tellervo and Oliver collected 87 dreams from all around Finland. A selection of 21 dreams were then dramatized and filmed. The President was played by four different actors, all other roles were acted by volunteers.

The films are distributed on the walls of different rooms, so that the spectator can walk through them. The installation can be adapted to any space consisting of 3-10 rooms.

All 87 dreams submitted to the project can be read from one wall.

One channel version available for screenings.