Tellervo Kalleinen & Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen 2005-2014Many commissioners, including Mori Art Museum (Tokyo), Kiasma (Helsinki), Nordwind festival (Berlin), Pro Arte (St. Petersburg), Fringe festival (Singapore) The COMPLAINTS CHOIR project invites people to sing their complaints out loud together with fellow complainers. We organised the first choir in Birmingham followed by the Complaints Choirs of Helsinki, St.…
Collective Mindscape
2024, Helsinki, FinlandTellervo Kalleinen & Oliver Kochta-KalleinenCurated by Taru ElfvingCommissioned by Comprehensive Cancer Center in Helsinki. Collective Mindscape (in Finnish: Yhteinen mielenmaisema) combines the mental landscapes of eight cancer patients into one digital open world. When walking through this world, the visitor can discover the participants’ virtual sanctuaries, but also more challenging landscapes reflecting their…
Oodi Y:lle / Ode to Y
2024 On its 35th anniversary, Y-Säätiö Foundation commissioned me and Oliver to create a public artwork involving its residents. Y-Säätiö promotes social justice by offering affordable rental apartments. The foundation is the largest nationwide non-profit landlord in Finland and an international expert in fighting homelessness. Ode to Y consists of five mosaic-covered tables – there are two of…
A unique artistic experiment of transforming an abandoned plot of land into a public park in the Finnish town of Rauma. In 2019 thirty residents between the ages of 6 and 89 became players in a two-year-long “Public Space Game”. Their mission was to turn their 30 individual visions into one urban park. The playful…