We take part in the Trouble festival in Belgium, 11 July 2021 with our performance Playing Adults.  In the piece four adult actors perform adults based on observations and views of children, who have been interviewed for the piece. The performance turns the local Parc Liedekerke -playground into an absurd stage of adulthood.

The piece highlights the critical views and hopeful thoughts of children about their future in a changing world. Playing Adults creates an awkward tension and a dialogue between generations. While sliding down from a castle performers shout descriptions of adults the interviewed children don’t want to become like. While standing on a seesaw the performers tell children’s reflections about dilemmas related to adulthood. 

Due to the pandemia, we direct the performance from a distance. The performers of the piece are Maxime Bodson, Jean Fürst, Julia Ghysels and Emilienne Tempels and the assistant director is Francoise Berlanger. Trouble festival is curated by Antoine Pickels. 

The interviews in Brussels are made by Matéo Vigné, who played also a crucial part in location scouting and coordination. With the support of the Finnish Cultural Institute.