Dr. Untitled – an online performance @Untitled Festival, 24 September 2021

In the performance we share our struggles of living up to our values and ideals. This session is intended for professional “re-imagineers” who work day in and out on the transformation of society. In our experiment we want to understand how individuals manage to translate the goals and ideals of their daily work into their private life. Do you advocate a basic universal income but don’t know how to deal with your kids’ pocket money? Do you implement national citizens assemblies but cannot decide on the family vacation?  Are you a vegan eating meat in your dreams? Do you have occasionally brief moments of feeling like a hypocrite? Then this is the right session for you. In full anonymity we share cases about such dissonances. The presented cases – your cases – will be discussed by our peer-to-peer support network. At the same time each case will be fed into an immature human AI system called “Åsa and Max” that is particularly responsive to so called intention-behavior discrepancies. Our system – while still in its infancy – will unapologetically try to produce recommendations for each case. It nevertheless needs to be trained by providing feedback on the presented recommendations.

Join us in trying to apply big picture ideas on a very small scale.

Disclaimer: This session requires no imagination.

Time: 24 September 2.30pm EEST

Concept and facilitation by  Ceyda Berk-Söderblom, Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen

Production by MiklagardArts 

With actors Max Bremer and Åsa Nybo